Android UI Customisation (SDK v3.x)

There are a number of pieces of the UI that can be customised in the SDK.  This should be done in conjunction with CSS customisation and iOS customisation.  To give the best user experience, you should make your CSS and SDK customisations consistently.  

To customise the native Android user interface, simply override the resources provided by the greenidsdk_resources module, in your application's /res/ folder.  Your build system will determine which resources are used in your app - resources that get included later in the build process will override earlier values. 

We recommend that you make any changes in your own application's /res/ folder, rather than changing the greenidsdk_resources module directly.  This makes it easier for you to update to later versions of the Android SDK without losing your local customisations.  

Warning: Before you start customising

When you are customising the SDK UI, there is potential for mistakes to be made.  If you find that your app is inoperable, we may ask you to revert to the original SDK files as a first step in diagnosing any issues,  and to remove any customised UI settings.  

We will be able to provide advice on customising the UI in the SDK, but there are limitations to what you can change in the UI.  

Note that users may change the font size on their phone.  Where possible the workflow will increase or decrease font size as requested by the user.  If you customise any text strings, keep in mind that it may be displayed at a different size on some users' phones. 

Note that the variables on this page are only some of the more prominent ones available for customising.  Always check the contents of the XML files in the greenidsdk_resources module for a complete list of customisable variables for wording, colours, and more.

1. Changing the loading screen 

The 'Loading' screen will appear throughout the greenID workflow, usually as a cover screen while new parts of the process start or finish.   The text may say "Loading" by default, or sometimes "We're uploading your images".  

Most of the loading screens are part of the native SDK, and can be modified as below.  

Note that some of the loading screens are part of the web view, and as such can be modified using CSS changes.  You should make sure your CSS and native changes are consistent.  

Example loading screen

Example loading screen

Loading screen - Fonts, colours and loading image

The UI of the loading screens can be changed by putting values into XML files, located in the 'res' folder of your app.  Make sure you are changing your own copy of these files.  Don't modify the SDK files directly, as that will make future upgrades harder for you.  

You can look inside the  greenidsdk_resources module to get examples for these files and values.  

Adding theses keys to the matching resource files will change the loading screen as follows:

KeyUsed byResource fileDefault value Notes
gid_loadingBackgroundColorThe loading screen background colour/res/values/colors.xml#FFFFFFShould be an html hex code
fullscreen_dialog_backgroundThe SDK startup background colour/res/values/colors.xml#FFFFFFShould be an html hex code
gid_loadingSecondaryFontColorThe loading screen secondary font colour/res/values/colors.xml#AAAAAANot used in Android SDK at present, for future compatibility with iOS SDK settings 
gid_loadingFontColorThe loading screen font colour/res/values/colors.xml#417505Colour of the primary text on the loading screen.  This includes things such as "Loading" or "We're uploading your photos" on the loading screen
gid_loadingFontSizeThe loading screen font size/res/values/dimens.xml24dp


The loading screen font family/res/values/strings.xmlhelvetica_thin.ttfCopy the font file into an assets/fonts folder to include it in your app
spinner_grey.gifThe loading screen spinner graphic/res/drawable/spinner_grey.gif
Use an animated gif

Loading screen - Text values

To change the text values on the loading screens, add values to a /res/values/strings.xml file in your app.  

KeyUsed byResource fileDefault value Notes


Most loading screens/res/values/strings.xmlLoading


After selfie capture/res/values/strings.xml

We\'re uploading your photos. Please wait.


After additional document capture/res/values/strings.xmlWe\'re uploading your photo. Please wait.Only difference between these two is 'photos' is missing the 's'.

2. Changing the camera permission messages

When a user first starts the greenID process, their phone will prompt them for permission to use the camera.  If they deny permission, they will see a dialog explaining why the camera permission is needed. 

The wording on this dialog can be altered by adding values into a /res/values/strings.xml file in your app.  

There are several different wordings that can be changed, depending on whether the user has denied permission once, or always, and depending on whether the process can continue with or without the camera.  

You can look inside the  greenidsdk_resources module to see the default values in strings.xml.  

Camera permissions messages

KeyUsed byResource file
When skipping the camera is allowed: 
Title of the dialog box, if skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Message, if skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Try again button text, if skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Continue without the camera button text, if skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
When the user has denied permission, and skipping the camera is allowed:
Title of the dialog box, if user has denied permission always, and skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Message, if user has denied permission always, and skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Continue button text, if user has denied permission always, and skipping the camera is allowed/res/values/strings.xml
When skipping the camera is not allowed:
Title of the dialog box, if skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Message, if skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Try again button text, if skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Cancel button text, if skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml
When the user has denied permission, and skipping the camera is not allowed:
Title of the dialog box, if user has denied permission always, and skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Message, if user has denied permission always, and skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml
Cancel button text, if user has denied permission always, and skipping the camera is not allowed/res/values/strings.xml

3. Changing the document capture UI

The colours and fonts of the document capture cannot be changed.

The text of the document capture process can be changed by editing a strings.xml resource file in your app. 

The 'GBG | IDScan' branding should be removed by default on Android.

Document capture UI

Document capture - Messages, labels, and other text

Text values in the document capture widget can be changed by editing values in the /res/values/strings.xml file in your app.   Suggested values are as follows:

KeyDefault stringUsed by


Blur detected

Overlay when blur detection has been triggered


Keep document within the frame

Overlay when no document border is detected



Button label to cancel the capture, if manual capture has been used



Button label to finish the capture, if manual capture has been used


Glare detected

Overlay when glare detection has been triggered


Please capture your document

Wording at top of screen, when capturing front of a document


Please capture the back of your document

Wording at top of screen, when capturing back of a document


Please try again

Retry text, if capture did not work


Move your document closer

Overlay if the document is too small to capture


We were unable to detect your document in the image captured. Please try again.

Error message if the document detection did not find a document, and the user will have to try another capture



Button label to retry capture


There is a connection issue

Overlay if the server cannot be contacted


Please wait a few seconds...

Overlay when uploading capture image to the server



Heading text when uploading capture image to the server
MJCS_action_processingProcessing…Text while image is being processed
MJCS_journey_action_selfiePlease capture your selfieText shown to user at start of selfie capture
MJCS_scanning_messagePlease fill the frame with ID documentText displayed to guide user during document capture

You can copy values from the greenidsdk_resources module to get started.  

Document capture - GBG branding image

If you see any 'GBG' or 'IDScan' branding on the capture screens, you can remove this by adding a file called '' in your app, with the following content: 

"mjcsApiLogoShow" : "false"

This will remove any branding on the document and selfie capture screens.  This should already be done in the greenidsdk_resources module, these instructions are only included for completeness. 

4. Changing the selfie capture UI

The colours and fonts of the selfie capture cannot be changed.

The text of the selfie capture process can be changed by editing a strings.xml resource file in your app. 

You can look inside the  greenidsdk_resources module to get examples of the strings.xml values.  


Selfie capture UI

Selfie capture - Messages, labels, and other text

Text values in the document capture widget can be changed by editing values in a /res/values/strings.xml file in your app.    

Suggested values are as follows:

KeyDefault stringUsed by


Move the device slightly up

Initial messaging when the user is about to do the Liveness step, if they have not got their phone upright.  See also 'down', 'left', 'right' for similar messages
MJCS_action_liveness_calibrate_downMove the device slightly downSee above
MJCS_action_liveness_calibrate_leftMove the device slightly leftSee above
MJCS_action_liveness_calibrate_rightMove the device slightly rightSee above
MJCS_action_liveness_calibrate_proceedProceedShown during liveness step once user's device is in the right position/orientation.


Please look straight at the camera and perform the actions presented to you

Initial messaging informing user how to perform Liveness step. 


Liveness Detection

Heading text for Liveness step



Text for possible Liveness test



Text for possible Liveness test


Look straight at the camera

Text for possible Liveness test


Tilt your face slightly down

Text for possible Liveness test


Tilt your face slightly up

Text for possible Liveness test


Turn your face slightly left

Text for possible Liveness test


Turn your face slightly right

Text for possible Liveness test
MJCS_action_liveness_noneNo ActionText for possible Liveness test (passive)

You can copy values from the greenidsdk_resources module to get started.  

5. More information on Android customisation

For more information on the 'res' directory, and resources in general, see:

(including i18n - see )

Refer to the Android developer guides for more information about editing strings, colours, drawables and other resources: