Configuration and Customisation

Configuration and Customisation

The greenID Mobile UI can be customised in the SDK with both Android and iOS in conjunction with CSS based customisations.

Customising by topic

Android SDK UI Customisation  -  to style the loading screens, capture widgets, and some dialogs on Android devices

iOS SDK UI Customisation  -  to style the loading screens, capture widgets, and some dialogs on iOS devices

CSS based UI Customisation  -  to style most of the text based screens in the greenID Mobile workflow

Customising by workflow

ScreenExampleCustomisation options
Process overview screen

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for wording changes

Document selection screen

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for available document types and wording/document naming.

Loading screen - seen throughout the app

There are actually two loading screens used in the workflow.  One is in the native app, the other is in the web view.  You will need to customise both consistently

iOS UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording, image

Android UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording, image

CSS customisations for font, colour, image - but not the wording at this time.

Introduction screen before document capture

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for wording changes

Document capture screens

iOS UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording

Android UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording

SDK configuration variables for timing settings

Document review screens

Limited Android UI Customisation for wording

No iOS customisation

Introduction screen before selfie capture

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for wording changes

Server configuration and SDK configuration variables control whether face capture will occur

Help screens before selfie capture

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for wording changes, or to disable these selfie instructions screens.

Selfie capture screen

iOS UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording

Android UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording

Selfie capture review screen

iOS UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording

Android UI Customisation for fonts, colours, wording

Confirmation screen

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for available fields, field labels, address formatting, consent wording and validation settings

Personal details screen 

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for available fields, field labels, address formatting and validation settings

Server configuration controls whether additional document capture will occur

Additional document capture selection screen

CSS customisations for font, colour

Server configuration for available document types

Server configuration controls whether additional document capture will occur

Additional document capture screen
No customisation available at this time
Additional document capture review screen

Limited Android UI Customisation for wording

No iOS customisation

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