Admin Panel Guide

Admin Panel Guide

The Admin Panel Guide is available in the following PDF file. Some of the more common admin panel questions have been answered below. 

This Admin Panel user guide does not explain how to use greenID Business. Please refer to the greenID Business User Guide for admin panel features specific to greenID Business.

Contacting Support

First try this page and the attached guide for an answer to your question. If you cannot find the answer please contact support for help.

If you are the account holder or the administrator, you can email customer.support@gbgplc.com with your name and organisation and details of your query and we will be able to assist. This includes questions such as:

  • How do I log into the Admin Panel?
  • What is the URL of the Admin Panel?
  • Can I add additional users?
  • Can you reset my password?

If you are not the account holder or administrator you need to contact your local administrator or support team for assistance. 

Common Questions

Accessing the Admin Panel

What is the URL of my admin panel?

The link to your admin panel will be in the following format:

Test server:

Production server:

Replace <customerId> with your customerId provided by your account manager. If you do not know your customer ID please contact customer.support@gbgplc.com.

When I try to access the Admin Panel, my browser reports page not found?

Please ensure that you have internet connectivity and that the URL for the Admin Panel is allowed access through your organisation's firewall. Try using a different browser and if the issue persists, please contact support.


How do I lookup/search for previous customer records?

When you initially log into the admin panel, you will be presented with the customer search facility screen. Otherwise you can select the "Customer" sub menu and then select "View All Customers". To quickly display a list of all previous transactions, select the "Search" button on the bottom left.

How do I search for a particular record?

You can search on a particular customer record within the Admin Panel using the person's First name and or Last name and or Email Address and or Reference Number.

Select the "Customers" sub menu and then select "View All Customers" - you can then enter the relevant information into the available fields and select the "Search" button.

I cannot find a particular customer record however I know they have been registered with greenID

One reason why a record does not appear in your search results even though you are certain that they have been registered with greenID could be due to the record marked as "Hidden" by another Admin user. In this case, please ensure that the check box labelled "Include hidden customers:" is ticked and re-run your search query.

Another reason why a record may not appear in the search results could be due to the record being deleted. Please contact support to investigate this for you. 

Can I search for records in a set period or by outcome?

We have various search functions to help assist you with reviewing previous transactions. From the Customer search screen, selecting the "Show Filter" button will reveal separate set of search functions.

  1. you can filter your search by status, i.e. "Everybody" or by "Verified" and more.
  2. filter your search by Date Created / Date Verified or By Last Action Date
  3. sort your search results by Surname / Date Created / Date Verified or by Last Action Date
  4. sort by order i.e. Ascending or Descending
  5. define a set period, e.g.: from the start of the last month to today.


Can I export my search results?

After you have performed a search on previous transactions, you will see two buttons appear on the bottom left hand corner showing, "export as Microsoft Excel" and also a "export as csv" options.

Selecting either option will output the results to the desired file type. Depending on the number of records, this may take some time.

Can I export a PDF copy of the results of a particular record?

Within the Admin Panel, if you view a particular customers verification details, you should see a "Download PDF report" button. selecting this will export a PDF copy of the customers verification outcome.

 If this button is missing, please contact support. 

I don’t see an export option after performing a search on previous transactions

The export options may be missing after your perform a search due to the following reasons:

  1. the number of records returned exceeds the allowed limit. Try filtering your search criteria or report period so the returned number of records is less than 5000
  2. the export functionality has not been enabled on your account. Please contact support to investigate. 

How long do you keep the records/results?

Information of registration and results details are stored indefinitely within our systems located securely in a datacentre unless advised otherwise by our customers. 

Can we purge / delete data after a set period?

greenID can be configured to purge data at a set interval if this is a business requirement. Please contact support to organise this. 


What do the various status outcomes mean?

There are various Status outcomes which are defined below:

  1. Verified - The user has been verified against the given rule set.
  2. Verified (by admin) - The user was manually verified by an administrator through the admin panel.
  3. Verified with changes - The user was verified against the given rule set, however some minor changes were made to the data in order to get the result. These changes are included in the rule set as acceptable changes.
  4. In progress - The user has not yet been verified, as greenID allows further checks to be performed at any time this can be considered as not yet meeting the rule set requirements for verification.
  5. Pending review - The user has been verified against the rule set, but to do so they changed data in a way that is not considered acceptable without further action.
  6. Locked out - The user has been locked out completely. This will occur depending on the customer lock out rules. By default there are no lock out rules.

What is the blue exclamation mark beside the data source found when looking to a particular customers verification outcome?

This symbol represents an error has occurred with the data source in question when the verification check took place. The source could have been experiencing a outage or a timeout occurred at the time of the check. If you notice this error appearing regularly, please contact support and include any customer reference numbers to help assist us with our investigation. Please remember not to include any customer identifiers such as DoB or Government ID document details as we can search for the records based on the reference number you provide us with.

How can a customer be verified using a different first name than the one they initially registered with?

Sometimes individuals register with an abbreviated name (e.g. “Mike”) but need to type the full version of their name in order to get a match on a data source (e.g. “Michael”). This module is a part of the controlled changes which can be turned on or off, allows any abbreviated name found on the list at Annex A to match as ‘Verified With Changes’.

If you believe this module should not be enabled, please contact support. 

What rule is configured on the account?

If a standard rule is configured to the account, there should be a sub menu named "RULES GUIDE" within the Admin Panel. selecting this will export a PDF showing the enabled rule along with the data sources enabled and more.

If this sub menu is missing from your admin panel, it could mean that there is a custom rule enabled on the account. In this case, please contact support. 

Data Sources

If a standard rule is configured to the account, there should be a sub menu named "RULES GUIDE" within the Admin Panel. selecting this will export a PDF showing the enabled rule along with the data sources enabled and more.

If this sub menu is missing from your admin panel, it could mean that there is a custom rule enabled on the account. In this case, please contact support. 

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