Verification Result Variables

Verification Result Variables

The Verification Result web service provides information about a verification using variables listed below. 
Parameter nameData typeDescription

Indicates if an error was encountered; normally this will be “false”.

errorMessageStringContains an error message if the error element is “true”. If there was no error, then this element will be absent from the JSON fragment.
verificationResultStringThe overall state of the verification attempt.
verificationIdStringThe unique identifier for this verification attempt (note that this is different from the verificationToken, which identifies a single session related to the verification attempt).
verificationTokenStringAn echo of the verificationToken passed to the web service.
givenNameStringThe given name that was registered. This field may be blank.
middleNamesStringThe middle names that were registered. This field may be blank.
surnameStringThe surname that was registered.  This field may be blank.
emailStringThe email that was registered. This field may be blank.
dobStringThe date of birth that was registered.  This field may be blank.
homePhoneStringThe home phone number that was registered. This field may be blank.
workPhoneStringThe work phone number that was registered. This field may be blank.
mobilePhoneStringThe mobile phone number that was registered. This field may be blank.

The flat number that was registered. This field may be blank.


The street number that was registered. This field may be blank.


The street type that was registered. This field may be blank.


The suburb that was registered. This field may be blank.


The state that was registered. This field may be blank.


The postcode that was registered. This field may be blank.


The country that was registered. This field may be blank.

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