Mobile Specific greenID API Results

Mobile Specific greenID API Results

GreenID Mobile customers will on occasion see extra information come back in their API calls depending on what settings have been applied to their account.

At the moment only a few such parameter exists:


This parameter will be returned for each Combination Source in the sourceList returned by each call to the DynamicFormsService (More information can be found on sources and sourceList here). It is returned as an attribute of the Source component as demonstrated below:

Example Response

In this case the parameter shows that the user who is trying to verify has attempted the NZ Drivers Licence Source once. 

Please note that this parameter is by default configured not to count attempts which resulted in an ERROR state, if you would like to include error states in this count you will need to request a configuration change via support@vixverify.com.


This parameter turns on the geolocation result being returned in calls to the DynamicFormsService under the combination sources section of the xml where they have been received from the SDK. 

geolocationResult Example
      <name>Geolocation Result</name>
      <name>Geolocation Result</name>
   <name>OCR Document</name>

Currently 4 parameters are returned the latitude, longitude, date and the source of the geolocation data, in this case since the geolocation is attached to a combination source the source is listed as the image type (Front or Back) which that geolocation was captured with. 

Please note that this parameter is not turned on by default, if you would like to get the geolocationResult back in your webservice calls you will need to request a configuration change via support@vixverify.com.

Selected and Detected Document Types

The selected and detected document types provide information about what type of document the user selected at the start of a document verification attempt vs what they actually submitted for that attempt. The information is returned in calls to the DynamicFormsService under the combination sources section of the xml for customers who have document type detection turned on. These results corospond to the combination source attempt they are children of. 

selected and detected Example
      <name>Selected Document Type</name></individualResult>
      <name>Detected Document Type</name>
   <name>OCR Document</name>

Each attempt will have one Selected Document Type and one Detected Document Type:

  • Selected Document Type - The document type the user selected as the type they were going to photograph at the start of the process, or the document type passed into the SDK on start if the select document screen is disabled. This is the document type they are supposed to be taking a photo of.
  • Detected Document Type -  This is the document type our system has detected the user to have actually submitted. This type can and will be different to the selected type if the user uses something other then what they said they were going to, for example using a drivers licence in stead of a national ID card. Please be aware that our system may not be able to detect what document was submitted in all cases. If it could not detect the type of the document then the document type will be returned as unknown (UNKNOWN.XU).

Result Components:

  • documentType -  The type of the document, eg DRIVERS_LICENCE, NATIONAL_ID_CARD, PASSPORT, UNKNOWN, etc.
  • documentRegion - The region of the docuement, eg AU (for Australian documents), SG (for Singaporen document), NZ (for New Zealander documents), XU (for Unknown) etc. Some will contain a subregion seporated by a - (dash) eg, AU-NSW (for Australia, New South Wales).

Please note that not all document types are detectable at this time, for information on what documents can be detected at this time please take a look at the /wiki/spaces/GREEN/pages/220954974.

Additionally, please note that this setting is not turned on by default, if you would like to get the selected and detected document types back in your webservice calls you will need to request a configuration change via support@vixverify.com.

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