DVS Platform Transition

DVS Platform Transition

On behalf of the DVS we would like to advise that they will be transitioning to a new service provider – Fujitsu, on  Sunday 8th October .

  • Start: 00:00 AEST 

  • Finish: 08:00 AEST 

What does this mean? 

  • During this period, you may experience minor intermittent disruption to the DVS service.  

  • DVS will restore services to full availability as soon as possible with full connectivity resuming after 08:00am. 

 What do you need to do? 

  •  NOTHING. DVS will manage the migration directly with GBG. 

How can I track progress on the change?

What if I experience issues with greenID after the migration?

  • If you experience any service issues after 8am 8th October 2023, please contact our Customer Support team at customer.support@gbgplc.com

What will I see in greenID when the DVS is unavailable?

  • If any DVS sources are unavailable, greenID will report an error for the data source checks. This is in line with current behaviour when DVS sources are not available.

Will there be any impacts to DVS Sharepoint?

  • For those organisations who have access to DVS Sharepoint, DVS will be in touch with you directly. 



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