Verify a business

Verify a business

The Verify a Business screen is where you perform tasks to complete the business verification process. On this screen you can add, update or delete information about the business and its associated parties; upload supporting documentation; and run verifications on associated parties. You can also set whether verification is required for specific parties or mark them as verified. If associated businesses have been 'search restricted', you can manually search for them if required (see Search Restrictions).

The Verify a Business screen contains 7 sections, as annotated below in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Verify a Business Screen

1. Status Panel

Shows the overall status of the verification; when the record was created; who it was assigned to; and, when completed, the status of the two parts of the business verification: (1) evidence of existence, and (2) verification of associated parties. (See Business Verification Workflow) If the verification has not completed, it also shows how many tasks remain. If this verification has been impacted by Search Restrictions (i.e. any associated businesses have been search restricted), it will be indicated here. 

2. Audit Log

Shows details of all user and system activities performed, and details of data changes occurring as a result of these activities. See Audit Log.

3. Notes

Contains any notes you or another administrator may have entered about the verification. Each note is time stamped and indicates who entered it. Selecting Add a note to enter new notes or view existing ones. (See Verification Notes)

4. Business Information

Shows the business type; status (from register); number; country of registration; and its greenID business verification ID (Ref. no.). Selecting the ‘Show additional business details’ button will show further information. These details vary by business type.

5. Evidence

Contains proof that the business being verified exists. If greenID downloaded information from an official business register, the register’s name appears in this section. Documentation may also be uploaded here for manual review. (See Verifying the existence of a business)

6. Associated Parties

Contains information about individuals or businesses that are connected with the business. Parties are listed under their roles, which vary depending on the type of business (e.g. “Shareholders” appears for companies that issue stock). In addition to running verification checks, you can enter or modify information about associated parties in this section.

If an associated business was 'search restricted'  (see Search Restrictions ) this will be highlighted with an orange search restriction icon/text. You can opt to manually search for these businesses by using the 'Perform Search' button.

7. Tasks

Tasks required for verification appear on the right side of the screen in sections 5 (Evidence) and 6 (Associated Parties). The tasks themselves appear on labelled buttons (e.g., “Begin verification”), and their status is shown when the tasks are completed or when an individual is linked to a personal verification record. (See Verification of associated individuals) If other options are available, a dropdown button is also shown. For associated businesses, the Task button displays instructions to “Show” or “Hide” information, along with the number of tasks remaining for that business to be verified. If the associated business contains any businesses within its structure that were 'search restricted'  (see Search Restrictions ), this will be highlighted with an orange search restriction icon next to the task counts. Selecting “Show” reveals a nested, abbreviated version of the “Verify a Business” screen for the associated business. More about tasks are described under the relevant sections.

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