Navigating the associated party tree

Navigating the associated party tree

Information about the primary business is always visible, but information about its associated businesses is hidden, unless you expand the screen to show it. If an associated business has been 'search restricted', then you will not be able to expand it. It serves as an indication that an associated business exists, but its details are not available until a search is performed for it. See greenID Business Search Restrictions.

Figure 5. Expanding the Verify a Business Screen

If an associated business in turn has associated businesses, those details are also hidden, and you need to expand the screen further to view those. Figure 5 above shows how the Verify a Business screen can be expanded to reveal two nested levels of associated parties.

Note that nested business verifications are not listed on the Business Verifications Records List of the Manage Business Verifications screen. They can be found only by navigating through the expanded associated party tree structure of the primary business’ verification record.

Use the procedures below to view or hide the details of an associated business.

Procedure 11. View the verification details of an associated business

On the Verify a Business screen:

  1. Navigate to the business in the Associated Parties section of the screen. (See Item 5 in Figure 4).
  2. If the business has completed the verification process, select Show business details.

3. If the business has not yet completed the verification process, select Show verification. (Note: If the business has been 'search restricted' then the 'Show verification' button will not be available. There will be a 'Perform Search' button which can be used to search for details of the business. See greenID Business Search Restrictions.)

When you expand a screen, an abbreviated instance of the Verify a Business screen is displayed in a nested panel, as shown in Figure 6 below. It is nested inside the Associated Parties section of the business to which it is associated. Abbreviated verify-a-business panels contain all of the sections of the main Verify a Business screen, except for Status and Notes (annotated as items 1 and 3 respectively in Figure 4 above).

You can perform the same tasks on a nested panel as you can on the main screen — i.e., upload evidence of a business’s existence, add associated parties, enter and edit their details, and run verifications on them.

Also, if you add an associated business to a nested panel, you can expand that part of the screen to view its verification details on another nested panel. When finished, you can hide nested panels by selecting the Hide button at the top of the panel. (See Figure 6, below.)

Figure 6. Example of a nested “verify-a-business” screen

Procedure 12. Hide the verification details of an associated business

On the Verify a Business screen:

  1. Go to the nested business panel you want to hide.
  2. If the business has completed the verification process, select Hide business details.
  3. If the business has not yet completed the verification process, select Hide verification. (See Figure 6 above)

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