Admin Panel

Admin Panel

The main greenID Administration Panel screen is displayed when you log in. On this screen, you can:

  1. Access the greenID Business screens or
  2. Look up the personal verification records of individuals.

The following actions can be performed on the Business Verification Admin Panel screen:

Procedure 1. Access greenID Business

On the Admin Panel screen:

  1. Choose Business Verification from the Admin Panel menu.

Figure 1. GreenID Administration Panel

The Manage Business Verifications screen is displayed.

You can return to the Admin Panel screen from within Business Verification by selecting the Back to the main greenID Admin Panel button, which appears at the top of any greenID Business screen:

Procedure 2. Find a personal verification record for an individual

On the Admin Panel screen:

  1. Enter your search criteria in one or more of the fields shown under Search or filter for customers.
  2. Select Search.

(For more information on what you can do in greenID Admin panel refer to Admin Panel Guide.)

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