Actioning business verification records

Actioning business verification records

The following actions can also be performed on the Manage Business Verifications screen:

Procedure 7. Edit a business verification record

On the Manage Business Verifications screen:

1. Locate the record to edit. (See Finding business verification records)

2. Select the item you want to edit.

The record is displayed on the Verify a Business screen.

Procedure 8. Assign/unassign a business verification record

On the Manage Business Verifications screen:

1. Locate the record you want to assign, and select the item’s dropdown list. (See Finding business verification records)

2. Select Assign this verification.

3. Select the spin button and select a name or “Mark it unassigned” from the list.

4. Select Assign.

Procedure 9. Abandon a verification

On the Manage Business Verifications screen:

1. Locate the record you want and select the item’s dropdown list. (See Finding business verification records)

2. Select Abandon this verification.

3. Select Yes, abandon this verification.

Procedure 10. Manually fail a verification

On the Manage Business Verifications screen:

1. Locate the record you want and select the item’s dropdown list. (See Finding business verification records)

2. Select Fail this verification.

3. Select Yes, mark this verification “failed”.

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