Victoria driver licence card number roll out

Victoria driver licence card number roll out

In response to the recent data breaches, DVS in consultation with state transport authorities have been making driver licence card number mandatory to protect impacted consumers.  

Victoria is the last state to go live with this mandatory change.  The first phase of their rollout will focus on protecting the 942,000 Optus impacted customers. 

Vic Roads are seeking ministerial approval to launch on 19 December 2022.   

How will it work? 

  1. The driver licence card number for the 924K individuals will be loaded in NEVDIS for verification. 

  2. DVS is making driver licence card number mandatory for ALL Victorian driver licence verifications. 

  3. If the card number is in NEVDIS (is an impacted Optus customer), it will be checked and verified. 

  4. If the card number is not in NEVDIS (it is NOT an Optus impacted customer), the card number will be ignored.  

If you do NOT provide the card number at all or the field is EMPTY, the verification will fail DVS validation checks.

NOTE: A decision on verifying non-impacted Optus customers will be made by VicRoad in 2023. 


Driver licence card number

In preparation for this change, VicRoad have been redesigning the licence to improve the visibility of the card number.   

  • 342K Optus customers will be issued with a new card designed before Christmas  

  • 600K Optus customers will receive an address label sticker with the card number on it until the new card can be sent in new year 

  • Customers not impacted by the Optus breach, will not be issued an address label or new card before the end of 2022.. A decision on managing non-impacted Optus customers will be made by VicRoad in 2023. 

All newly issued driver licence will be given the new design.   

Address label sample

Front image Rear image with card number and the address label


Existing Vic card design for non-impacted Optus customers


For more details on the card image click here Tooltips Images for Card Number

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