Fixed IP Addresses

Fixed IP Addresses

For the server to server calls (i.e. web service calls) you may need to have a fixed IP address list for greenID services. This is usually for one of two reasons:

  1. you need to open firewalls up for servers to make outbound requests; or
  2. you have complex routing systems that are IP address based.

The main greenID service endpoints essentially have no fixed IP address, so we have created "fixed IP" endpoints which are denoted with a "-fip" in the name. These endpoints have been configured to always return one of a fixed set of around 200-300 IP addresses.

Before resorting to using fixed IP addresses, please consider if hostname-based firewalling is an option.

The endpoint you need to use depends on whether you also use client certificates. The table below indicates what endpoint should be used when. The table uses the Australian site as an example but the pattern holds true for all other regions (including test sites).

EndpointCustomer Configuration
Uses client certificates (i.e. MSSL)Requires Fixed IP addresses
au.vixverify.com / test-au.vixverify.comnono
au-fip.vixverify.com / test-au-fip.vixverify.comnoyes
au.clientcert.vixverify.com / test-au.clientcert.vixverify.comyesno
au-fip.clientcert.vixverify.com / test-au-fip.clientcert.vixverify.comyesyes

The list of IP addresses can change from time to time. All use the standard https port 443. Download CAC-20200610.csv for the list of IP addresses current at  .

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