2021 Notice of certificate renewal for vixverify.com hostnames (non clientcert hostnames)

2021 Notice of certificate renewal for vixverify.com hostnames (non clientcert hostnames)

The server certificate for several of our vixverify.com hostnames is expiring mid June.

This certificate change effects the following hostnames:





On 26th May 2021 between 1 - 2pm AEST we will be updating the server SSL certificate used for all web access (i.e. web service calls) on the test (i.e. test-au and test-au-fip) endpoints.  On the 3rd Jun between 1 - 2pm AEST we will be updating the server SSL certificates on the production (au, and au-fip) endpoints. There will be no downtime during this update.

The update is required due to the upcoming expiry of the current certificate.

The intermediate CA for the certificate is not changing so so there should not be any impact to your web service calls. 

The files are in the attached zip file which has the password "greenid2021".

If you have any questions please contact greenid.support@gbgplc.com