SMS Stubs
Please note if you are an NZ customer using the SMS feature, the ‘sender name' cannot be customised. Please discuss this with your GBG account representative for more information.
What is SMS Stubs Mode?
The SMS stubs mode allows customers to test their integration with greenID without having to send an SMS.
How does it work?
The web services that can be used to send an SMS will typically send 2 types of responses:
Submitted i.e. the SMS has been successfully accepted by the provider.
Failed i.e. the SMS has not been accepted by the provider.
The stubs numbers allow customers to receive one of the responses highlighted above while they are integrating with greenID.
Stubs Numbers
Numbers | Response |
+111111111111 | Submitted |
+222222222222 | Failed |
Sample Response for +111111111111
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<ns2:registerVerificationAndSendHostedSMSInviteResponse xmlns:ns2="">
</env:Envelope> |
Sample Response for +222222222222
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<ns2:registerVerificationAndSendHostedSMSInviteResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<responseErrorMessage>An unexpected error occurred when attempting to send the SMS.</responseErrorMessage>
</env:Envelope> |
How can this be setup?
The stubs mode for this specific capability does not need to be 'setup'. If a customer send us either of the above numbers, greenID will recognise that these numbers are 'stubs numbers' and generate one of the 2 responses. Please note that these numbers do not work in the greenID Production environment - they are for testing / integration purposes only and will only work in a customer's test instance.