Styling Options in Hosted Web
Hosted Web has a CSS styling option that allows customers to change the look and feel of the Hosted site to match their own branding. Customers can:
Apply their own colour scheme to text and buttons
Add logos
Add top or bottom banners
Change Fonts
Adjust the margins and padding
Using CSS Styling in Hosted
Customers need to provide greenID with a URL reference (hosted by the customer) which includes the required CSS styling.
Example screens with CSS styling applied
The following screenshots show styling applied, using the sample css file. Comments in the CSS file refer to the numbers on the screenshots and can be used a guide for changing the look and feel of a customer’s Hosted site.
Header, footer, fonts:
Field labels, field well:
Font weight:
Document labels
Fonts, font weight:
Waiting screen fonts
Field labels and icons
Help icons
Modal fonts
Final screen (well)
Changing background colour: