Before you integrate
Before you integrate
iFrame Deprecated
iFrame integration was deprecated in January 2015.
New customers should integrate using either greenID Web or greenID API. Existing customers are encouraged to upgrade the integration method - contact support to find out more.
This documentation remains to support existing customers with an iFrame integration.
Before you get started integrating with greenID, please read the following information which may help you avoid some common issues.
Regarding Querying Outcomes
GreenID has a method for querying the current status of a verification process for an individual. The method allows GreenID to provide more meaningful results for client applications, and should be thoroughly read and understood before any integration effort.
Regarding Optional Verification Notifications
If a client organisation desires notification of changes to a person’s status an optional URL can be specified. This URL will be called by GreenID whenever a person’s status is changed to verified. The URL will be called as a post request with the person’s individual identifier included. The identifier can also be appended as a get parameter.
Regarding Regular Expressions
All regular expressions in this document are Java regular expressions. For more information on the syntax of Java regular expressions, the reader is referred to http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/index.html.
Regarding Email Addresses
A slightly complex scheme is used to validate email addresses, and it is explained in this section, rather than repeating detail in the contact for each email parameter listed in the web service methods that follow.
Standard Hibernate validation is used to check email addresses are well formed. The full regular expression used is:
Or more simply, the following symbols are used:
ATOM = ^[^-^(^)^<^>^@^,^(;^:^^"^.^[^]^s] DOMAIN = “(" + ATOM + "+(." + ATOM + "+)*” IP_DOMAIN = “[[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}])”
And the final regular expression is a combination of those symbols:
"^" + ATOM + "+(\\." + ATOM + "+)*@" + DOMAIN + "|" + IP_DOMAIN + ")$"