3rd Party data source maintenance outage

This outage has been deferred. A new date will be added here, once confirmed.

One of GBG’s 3rd party data partners, will be transitioning their data sources to the cloud. To complete this work, their systems will be down for a short period of time impact some greenID identity verifications.

What does this mean? 

  • During this period, the following sources will not be available:

    • illion Credit Header

    • illion Segmented Credit Header

    • Data Co-op in greenID

    • Australian Claims Database

    • Public Number Directory

    • AU Tenancy

    • ASIC

    • NZTA (NZ Driver’s Licence)

    • NZ PPSR

    • TINZ (NZ Tenancy)

 What do you need to do? 

  •  NOTHING. GBG will manage the migration directly with our partner.

  • However, you could consider minimising the volume of transaction you send to greenID during this time.

How can I track progress on the change?

  • You can visit the GBG status page and you can register for GBG Status updates here

What if I experience issues with greenID after the migration?

  • If you experience any service issues after the maintenance window, please contact our Customer Support team at customer.support@gbgplc.com

What will I see in greenID when the sources are unavailable?

  • greenID will report an error for the data source checks. This is consistent with current behaviour when sources are not available.