The CurrentStatusV2 object is the sole return type of all the web methods in the API. It is intended to provide information about what has just happened, as well as giving an overview of the person’s current verification status, and the list of data sources that will help the person become fully verified. Always presenting this information helps to reduce the chattiness between greenID and the customer application.
Name | Type | Description |
sourceList | SourceListV2 | This member contains a list of Source objects, each of which corresponds to a data source that is available to the person for the purpose of becoming fully verified. The SetFields web method expects one of these names as thesourceId input parameter. |
verificationResult | VerificationResultV2 | This member contains all of the verification information currently available for a person. It is a complete record of all checks that have been performed, their results, and an indicator of the person’s overall verification status. |
sourceFields | SourceFieldsV2 | This member contains a list of fields that are required for a particular data source. This includes the field’s name, type and other pertinent information for displaying and collecting a value for the field. |
checkResult | LastCheckResultV2 | This member indicates the outcome of a check against a data source that was performed during a call to the SetFields web method. This member also indicates whether the check is still in progress. |
userToken | String | This field is for future features in the API, and can be ignored for now. |
The CheckResult object is intended to give a snapshot of the status of a check that has been performed during a call to the SetFields web method.
Name | Type | Description |
stillWorking | boolean | This member indicates whether the check is still in progress. This feature is still under development; currently the value is always false. |
state | String | This member gives the current state of the check. Refer to the Reference Table for Individual Source States for valid values. |
Name | Type | Description |
sources | List<SourceV2> | Simply a list of Source objects. |
Name | Type | Description |
state | String | This member reflects the current state of the source. The valid values are the same as the state member of the CheckResult object. If a source has not been used, then this member will be “EMPTY”. |
passed | boolean | This member indicates whether this source has been passed, i.e. the check is in one of the verified states. |
name | String | This member is the name of the data source. This name is expected to be used to refer to this data source in calls to the SetFields web method. |
available | boolean | This member indicates whether this data source is currently available; sometimes a particular data source may not be available. |
notRequired | boolean | This member indicates whether this data source can help a person become fully verified. If the value is true, then there is no point using this data source because it cannot help the person become fully verified. |
oneSourceLeft | boolean | This member indicates whether completing this data source will make a person fully verified. This member is very valuable because it indicates which sources should be attempted first, thereby shortening the verification process. |
order | int | The order in which the source would be displayed if it were being displayed by greenID. Sources that are more likely to result in the person becoming fully verified are at the top of the list, i.e. their “order” number is lower. |
attributes | This member contains a list of HTML attributes that should be applied to any HTML input collecting input from a person. For example, the HTML attribute “class=’required’” would be represented by a NameValuePair withname=”class” and value=”required”. |
Name | Type | Description |
fieldList | FieldList | This member contains a list of fields that are required for a particular data source. The members of list represent HTML fields for collecting input from the person. |
rawData | String | This member contains an HTML fragment that, if displayed, will present HTML fields for collecting data from a person in order to perform a check against a data source. Some customer may prefer this approach rather than generating their own HTML from the data contained in the fieldList member. |
Name | Type | Description |
sourceField | List<FieldV2> | This member simply contains a list of Field objects. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | String | The type of HTML input that is required (at least strongly suggested) for collecting the data for this field from the person. For example, a value of “text” would indicate a simple HTML text input is appropriate. |
name | String | The name of the HTML input that would collect data for this field from the person. The name also indicates what the data field is, for example, the value “aec_givenname” indicates the field holds the given name for the AEC data source. |
value | String | This member contains any pre-existing value for the HTML field. For example, the Field with the name “aec_givenname” will be pre-populated with the person’s given name (derived from the person’s master record established during the call to the RegisterUser web method) the first time the GetFields method is called with the sourceId “aec”. |
label | String | This member contains label. Please refer to the section on Labels. |
selectItem | List<NameValuePair> | This member contains a list of item names and values for a select item Field. |
attribute | List<NameValuePair> | This member contains a list of the names and values of any HTML attributes that this Field has. For example, the attribute class=”required” would be represented by a NameValuePair with name=”class” and value=”required”. |
order | Integer |
Name | Type | Description |
input | This member contains a list of names and values that correspond to input parameters to the SetFields web method. The names are expected to be those that have previously been returned from the GetFields method for a particular data source. For example, a Visa number will be represented by a NameValuePairwith name=”visa_number” and value=”11111111”. |
This type is a convenience type for holding a partial date, especially useful for representing dates of birth. This type holds just the date part, and does not contain any reference to a time component or timezone; this avoids potential issues with date of birth timestamps arising from different timezones.
Name | Type | Description |
day | int | The day component of a date of birth. |
month | int | The month component of a date of birth. |
year | int | The full year component of a date of birth, for example 1975, i.e. not 75. |
Need a summary
Name | Type | Description |
currentResidentialAddress | Address | |
dateCreated | DateTime | |
dob | string | |
string | ||
extraData | List<NameValuePair> | |
homePhone | string | |
mobilePhone | string | |
name | Name | |
previousResidentialAddress | Address | |
workPhone | string |
Name | Type | Description |
alley | string | |
amalgamatedMunicipality | string | |
area | String | |
avenue | String | |
block | String | |
canton | String | |
chome | String | |
city | String | |
country | String | |
county | String | |
deliveryNumber | String | |
department | String | |
direction | String | |
dispatchingInformation | String | |
district | String | |
divisionFive | String | |
divisionFour | String | |
divisionOne | String | |
divisionThree | String | |
divisionTwo | String | |
flatNumber | String | |
level | String | |
locality | String | |
location | String | |
mailCentre | String | |
municipality | String | |
neighbourhood | String | |
organisation | String | |
parish | String | |
personName | String | |
poBox | String | |
postcode | String | |
prefecture | String | |
propertyName | String | |
province | String | |
quarter | String | |
region | String | |
ruralArea | String | |
ruralLocality | String | |
sector | String | |
sectorNumber | String | |
state | String | |
streetName | String | |
streetNumber | String | |
streetType | String | |
subdistrict | String | |
subregion | String | |
suburb | String | |
town | String | |
townCity | String | |
township | String | |
urbanLocality | String | |
village | String |
Name | Type | Description |
givenName | String | |
honorific | String | |
middleNames | String | |
surname | String |
The RichVerificationResult type describes the person’s verification results to date. This is always returned so that the caller always has the latest results for that person.
Name | Type | Description |
userId | String | The unique identifier for the person. |
outcome | String | This member indicates the outcome of the entire verification process. Refer to the Reference Table for Overall Outcome States for values. |
ruleId | String | The identifier for the rule that was used to determine the verification outcome. |
mode | String | This member indicates the verification mode that was used. The mode is null, except in the following cases:
dateVerified | String | The date this person became verified (null if they have not yet been verified). |
individualResults | List<RichCheckResult> | This member holds a list of results for the individual checks that have been performed to date. |
The RichCheckResult type contains all the details of a check against a particular data source.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the check. For example, if a check against the Electoral Roll was attempted, then the name would be “AEC”. As each customer will accept a different set of checks, customers should refer to their individual rules document for the list of names that they can expect. Refer to Data Source Reference for a list of data source names. |
state | String | The state of the individual check. For a list of possible states, please see the Reference Table of individual source states. |
method | String | The method via which the check was carried out. This is an enumerated type, for a list of possible values, please see the Reference Table of Method Names. |
resultData | String | This field contains extra data that may be passed on from database checks, for example this field may contain XML for a specific check. This will be specific to an individual customer’s setup, by default it is not returned. |
mode | String | The verification mode used for this specific check. This shows HOW the check was made. Please see the Reference Table of possible modes. This can be null which indicates that no mode was used. |
dateVerified | Date | The date that this particular check became verified (or null if the check is not verified). |
fieldResults | List<RichFieldResult> | Only the fields that were successfully checked, or were changed, are returned. Any field that was not checked is not returned. Note that this may mean the array is empty. |
postOfficeData | Copy of Data Structures | If and only if the name of the RichCheckResult is “PostOffice” then this member will be present. Otherwise it will be null. This represents the raw data retrieved from Australia Post. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the field. The possible name will depend on the source used. Again which sources used will depend on the individual customer setup, and new sources, with potentially new fields are constantly being added. For a list of possible field names for each source, please refer to the Data Source Reference tables. |
status | String | This member indicates the status of the field. Refer to the Reference Table for Field Status for possible values. |
dataDifference | String | This member will contain changed values. That is, if a value was changed in order to become verified, then this member will contain the value that was the data was changed to, and subsequently verified. |
data | String | This member contains the original data that was supplied the time of registration, or the “master record”. In the case of a status of ADDITION (see the Reference Table of Field Status) then this will hold the added data. |
dataInfo | String | This contains information about the data. At this time it contains either “previousAddress” or “currentAddress” to indicate which address this data was checked as. |
label | String | This field represents a human readable version of name, it will reflect what the user may see on the screen when they fill the details in. The data in this field is designed for reporting purposes and can change without notice. |
format | String | This member indicates the format of the data in this field. The value of this field will vary according to individual customer configurations. The most common value is “plain”, which indicates a plain text field. |
The AusAddress complex type has the following structure:
Member | Type | Required? | Description | Contract |
| String 255 Chars | No
| The flat number component of an address. For example, in the address “1/5 Fake St”, “1” is the flat number. |
| String 255 Chars | No
| The street number component of an address. In the example above, “5” is the street number. |
| String 255 Chars | Yes
| The name of the street.
| Cannot be null. Cannot be the empty string.
| String 255 Chars | Yes
| A valid Australian street type.
| A valid Australian street type, or its recognised abbreviation. For a full list of acceptable values, please see Street Types
suburb | String 255 Chars | Yes | The suburb or town component of the individual's address. | Cannot be null. Cannot be the empty string. For New Zealand addresses, this field should contain the suburb; the "city" address element is not required by any current greenID New Zealand data sources. |
| String 255 Chars | Yes
| The state component of the individual's address. Must be a valid Australian state or territory.
| One of:
| String 255 Chars | Yes | The postcode component of the individual's address. Must be a valid Australian postcode. | Must be 4 numbers between 0 and 9 (i.e. as a regular expression: ^[\d]{4}$) |
| String 255 Chars | Yes | The country code. This must be the ISO 3166 country code. The country code can be given in either the alpha-2, alpha-3 or numeric format. | Please refer to for a full (and up to date) list of ISO 3166 country codes. |
The complex type PostOfficeData has the structure described below.
This type and the following members are for the most part exact representations of the fields found in an Australia Post contract. The reader should be aware of the individual Australia Post contract they will be using to ensure that they can match up the fields. These fields are retrieved from a flat file and stored in Strings with no interpretation of the meanings of the fields. Not all implementations of an Australia Post contract will have all the fields detailed below.
Member | Type | Description | Contract |
| String 255 Chars | This parameter is GreenID's identifier for the client application. The value is supplied by GreenID.
| Not null.
documents | String | Human readable string that is a comma separated list of all the names of the documents used to verify this user. | Not null. |
header | detailRecordHeader | Representation of the header of the flat file received from Australia Post | Not null. |
| String 255 Chars | The name of the actual file read from Australia Post
| Not null.
records | documentRecord[] | List of individual representations of the documents used to verify this User | Not null. |
The complex type DetailRecordHeader has the structure described below:
Member | Type | Description | Contract |
amount | String 255 Chars | Unsigned amount in cents. |
| String 255 Chars | 0 = default |
| String 255 Chars | ddmmyy (NOTE: system generated date with no slashes) |
| String 255 Chars | ddmmyyyy represents the date of birth on the form that was checked. |
| String 255 Chars | Often there will be filler, it serves no purpose and should be ignored. |
| String 255 Chars | A-Z |
| String 255 Chars | 16 characters of the given name that was on the form that was checked. |
id | Long | Extra identifier that identifies this record. Not set by Australia Post. |
| String 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars | '00' = Cash/EFTPOS/Direct Debit, '01'-'09' = number of Cheques, '11' = VISA, '12 = MasterCard. Note: This may differ per contract, but in general the above applies. |
| String 255 Chars | Phone number as entered on the form that was checked.
| String 255 Chars | Presumably the name of the Post Office the form was checked at.
| String 255 Chars | Seems to be fixed as ‘1’
| String 255 Chars | Seems to be fixed as ‘5’ |
| String 255 Chars | The reference number used to identify this user. Most often this will be the userId. It must be 16 characters or less. |
| String 255 Chars | 20 characters of the surname that was on the form that was checked. |
| String 255 Chars | Number of documents used to verify this user |
| String 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars | wwwwwwttnnnnn, first 6 digits are AP Work Centre Code.
The complex type DocumentRecord has the structure described below:
Member | Type | Description | Contract |
| String 255 Chars | Always zero
| String 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars | Name of country from the document if applicable
| String 255 Chars | Y = Yes, X = not applicable |
| String 255 Chars | dd/mm/yyyy; spaces if not applicable NOTE: (manually entered date with slashes) |
| String 255 Chars | This is an automatic lookup to convert the idDocumentType member into a human readable document name. |
| String 255 Chars | Alphanumeric, eg passport number. |
| String 255 Chars | Often there will be filler, it serves no purpose and should be ignored. |
id | Long | Extra identifier that identifies this record. Not set by Australia Post. |
| String 255 Chars | Code number representing the document type. The lookup for the name is done automatically and stored in the documentName member. |
| String 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars | This may be present instead of country of Issue, stateOrTerritoryOfIssue, utilityAccountIssuer and utilityAccountType. It may selectively hold this information in a less rigid format. |
| String 255 Chars | dd/mm/yyyy; spaces if not applicable NOTE: (manually entered date with slashes) May not be present. |
| String 255 Chars | Y = Yes, X = not applicable |
| String 255 Chars | Y = Yes, X = not applicable |
| Strin 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars |
| String 255 Chars | Y = Yes, X = not applicable |
| String 255 Chars | ACT, QLD, NSW, NT, SA, TAS, VIC or WA; |
| String 255 Chars | If specifically a utility, then the name. |
| String 255 Chars | 01 = electricity, 02 = gas, 03 = water, 04 = telephone |
The NameValuePair complex type has the following structure:
Member | Type | Required? | Description | Contract |
name | String 255 Chars | No | This will identify the data that is stored in this pair. | Needs to match an agreed upon value and be unique in the list. |
value | String 255 Chars | No | The actual data being passed in this pair. |
The Name complex type has the following structure:
Member | Type | Required? | Description | Contract |
honorific | String 255 Chars | No | The honorific component of a person’s name, eg. “Mr”, “Miss”, etc. |
givenName | String 255 Chars | Yes | A person’s given name. | Cannot be null. Cannot be the empty string. |
middleNames | String 255 Chars | No | A person’s middle names. Note that there can be multiple names. |
surname | String 255 Chars | Yes | A person’s surname or last name. | Cannot be null. Cannot be the empty string. |