API Versions
This documentation relates to Version 1, the current version of the greenID Business API. Version 1 became available to customers as of .
HTTP basic authentication is used for accessing the endpoint. The username is a customer account ID, and the password is a customer's GreenID web services password.
Exceptions and Error Handling
We return an error response in JSON format if an exception occurs. An example of this is as follows:
{ "error": "Not found", "message": "No verification with ID: 1775", "status": 404 }
Example errors include:
- Not Found (404)
- Unauthorized (401)
- Internal Server Error (500)
Methods Available
In Version 1 of the API a single RESTful endpoint is available for getting back information on a given verification. The URL to call will be something like:
Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions |
verification_reference_id | String | Yes | Must be got from the interactive version of the system |
The output from the getVerification call will be in JSON format, and contains three main sections:
- Entities
- Relationships
- rootBusiness
An entity could be an individual or business, and relationships are the connections between different entities. Each of these will have a unique ID.
The following section gives details on the fields in each entity structure.
Entity Object (individual)
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
address | A structure encoding the address of the entity | Address | - |
dataSource | Details on the data source (e.g. a company register) used for getting information on this entity. | DataSource | - |
dob | Date of birth for this individual | String | "25/05/1947" |
entityType | The type of this entity | String | "individual" |
fromDataSource | Whether or not this entity came from a data source (e.g. a lookup of a company register). | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
givenName | The given name of this individual | String | "John" |
id | The ID of this entity | Integer | 789112 |
middleNames | Middle name(s) for this individual | String | "Clive" |
notes | A list of notes associated with this entity | List of Notes | - |
surname | The surname of this individual | String | "Smith" |
verification | A structure encoding verification details for the entity | Verification | - |
verificationNeverRequired | Whether or not verification is required for this entity | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
Entity Object (Business)
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
address | A structure encoding the address of the entity | Address | - |
businessNumber | The business number for this entity | String | "111307361" |
businessStatus | The status of the business as returned from a business register | String | "Registered" |
businessType | The type of business | String | "company" |
countryOfRegistration | The country where the business is registered, in the form of a two-letter country code | String | "AU" |
dataSource | Details on the data source (e.g. a company register) used for getting information on this entity. | DataSource | - |
documents | A list of documents associated with this entity | List of Documents | - |
entityType | The type of this entity | String | "business" |
existenceVerified | Whether or not the existence of this entity has been verified or not | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
foundInRegister | Whether or not this entity was found in a company register | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
fromDataSource | Whether or not this entity came from a data source (e.g. a lookup of a company register). | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
id | The ID of this entity | Integer | 1096 |
name | The name of this business | String | |
notes | A list of notes associated with this entity | List of Notes | - |
verification | A structure encoding verification details for the entity | Verification | - |
verificationNeverRequired | Whether or not verification is required for this entity | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
Address Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
countryCode | The address country code i.e. a two digit code. | String | "NZ" |
countryName | The human-readable version of the country name. | String | "New Zealand" |
fullAddress | The full address in a single String | String | "67 HAVEN ROAD, NELSON 7010, NEW ZEALAND" |
postcode | The address postcode (only available if address has been validated) | String | "7010" |
streetName | The address street name (only available if address has been validated) | String | "HAVEN" |
streetNumber | The street number (only available if address has been validated) | String | "67" |
streetType | The type of street (only available if address has been validated) | String | "ROAD" |
townCity | The town or city of the address (only available if address has been validated) | String | "NELSON" |
DataSource Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
name | The human-readable name of this data source | String | "the New Zealand Business Number Register" |
type | The type of the business returned | String | "company (nzco)" |
Document Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
creationTime | The time when this document was created (uploaded) | String | "2018-08-15 06:18:19.929+0000" |
documentURL | A URL where this document can be downloaded | String | "https://au.vixverify.com/vixbiz/api/v1/document/1854" |
evidenceType | The type of evidence that this document is | String | "Statutory declaration" |
fileSize | The size of the document file, in bytes. | Integer | 297054 |
name | The original document filename | String | "file.pdf" |
verification | The verification associated with this document | Verification | - |
Note Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
author | The author of a note | String | john.doe@example.com |
context | If present, the context that the note is associated with e.g. exempting an item from verification etc. | String | exemptFromVerification |
creationTime | A timestamp for when this note was created | String | 2018-08-08 00:00:09.217+0000 |
text | The note text | String | "A note" |
Verification Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
dateDue | The due date for this verification | String | 2018-08-08 00:00:09.217+0000 |
dateNominated | The date that this verification was nominated (created) | String | 2018-08-07 23:16:47.065+0000 |
status | The status of this verification | String | "Not yet verified", "verified" etc. |
The following section gives details on the fields in each relationship structure.
Relationship Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
relatedEntity | The ID of the active related entity in this relationship | Integer | 789558 |
exemptionReason | If present this will detail why this relationship exempts the associated entity | String | "Ownership percentage is below threshold of 25" |
fields | A list of fields associated with this relationship | List of Fields | - |
id | The ID of this relationship | Integer | 789557 |
businessRelatedTo | The ID of the passive related entity in this relationship | Integer | 789587 |
type | The type of this relationship | String | "Company office holder", "Shareholder", "Ultimate Holding Company" etc. |
verificationNotRequired | Whether or not this relationship means that verification is not required for the associated entity | Boolean | "true" or "false" |
Field Object
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
id | The ID of this field | Integer | 789561 |
name | The name of this field | String | "controllerType", "additionalInformation", "allocationNumber", "shareAllocation", "totalSharesInCapitalGroup", "allocationNumber", "ownershipPercentage" etc. |
value | If present, gives the value of this field | String | "Director" |
verificationThreshold | If present, gives the percentage verification threshold for this field | String | "25" |