Table of Contents | ||
Currently supported OS versions
This page holds the policy by which Vix Verify determines when support for any specific version of either iOS or Android will be removed. The table at the bottom of this page contains a calendar showing when specific versions will lose support or updates Vix Verify 5 has limited 10 due to the phone not having a 64-bit processor. The oldest phone that has a 64-bit processor is the iPhone 5s, thus Vix Verify 5sXcode Version Support
- greenID mobile will only be supported when using the latest non-beta version of Xcode to compile an application
Android Version Support
greenID mobile will only support major Android versions released up to 3 years ago- compiled in the latest stable version of Android Studio and
- built using the latest version of Gradle that is bundled with Android Studio
Dropping support for versions
Vix Verify will inform clients for the 3 months prior to a release of the greenID Mobile SDK, of the impending dropping of support, and new lowest-supported mobile OS version that will be supported on a specific date.
Please see the see the "Mobile OS Support Calendar" below for pertinent dates.
Supported Versions as at 2018-05-01
Mobile OS versions
Android 5.0 - 8.1 (API 21 to 27) (See API Levels for more information)
iOS 9.x - 11.3.1
Development Environments
Android Studio 3.x
Gradle 3.x
XCode 9.3
iOS handsets
iPhone 5s and higher
Mobile OS Support Calendar
last (n) months of support
support ends (X)
Android 7.1.x