Versions Compared


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Note Object


Verification Object


titleAPI Versions

This documentation relates to Version 1, the current version of the greenID Business API. Version 1 became available to customers as of  for extracting verifications and as of  for creating verifications


Details on authentication.

Exceptions and Error Handling

Details on this.

Methods Available


In Version 1 of the API a single RESTful endpoint is available for getting back information on a given verification. The URL to call will be something like:

Code Block<verification_reference_id>

Input Parameters



The output from the getVerification call will be in JSON format, and contains three main sections:

  • Summary
  • Entities
  • Relationships

An entity could be an individual or business, and relationships are the connections between different entities. Each of these will have a unique ID.

Top-Level Entity Fields


Address Object


HTTP basic authentication is used for accessing the endpoint. The username is your greenID customer account ID that you use for greenID Business, and the password is your greenID web services password for that account. 

Exceptions and Error Handling

If an error or exception is encountered, the HTTP response header will contain details of the error. In most cases, we will also return an error response in JSON format. An example of this error response is as follows:

Code Block
  "error": "Not found",
  "message": "No verification with ID: 1775",
  "status": 404

The following errors may be returned when the API is invoked with either a 'GET' or 'POST' command. Please refer to the pages detailing the 'GET' and 'POST' functionality for additional errors specific to each function which may also be returned:

HTTP status code

errorerror messageConditions
401unauthorised"Failed to authenticate <account id> with given password

Invalid credentials provided for your account to access the API 

Note: if you do not provide any credentials, then you will receive a 401 status in the HTTP header but no JSON error response will be provided

500Internal server error"<Message from the exception">An unexpected exception occurred within the system when processing your request. The message will be dependent on the exception encountered.


The greenID Business API is a RESTful web service offering the following endpoints:


Code Block<input parameters>

This 'businessVerification' endpoint is accessed using HTTP GET and POST commands which provide the following capability:

  • GET (To retrieve a business verification)

Insert excerpt
GREEN:greenID Business API: businessVerification - GET
GREEN:greenID Business API: businessVerification - GET

  • POST (To create a business verification)

Insert excerpt
GREEN:greenID Business API: businessVerification - POST
GREEN:greenID Business API: businessVerification - POST


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