Versions Compared


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titleAPI Versions

This documentation relates to Version 1, the current version of the greenID Business API. Version 1 became available to customers as of 


HTTP basic authentication is used for accessing the endpoint. The username is your greenID customer account ID that you use for greenID Business, and the password is your greenID web services password for that account. 


<<KS: since order of the fields returned is not guaranteed, should we order them logically within the docs e.g. all name fields together? They do however generally appear in the order specified below, so perhaps we leave it?

Also - there are many fields repeated for business and for individual, could they rather be defined only once?>> 

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
addressA structure encoding the address of the entity Address-

Details of the data source (e.g. a company register) from which this entity's details were retrieved.

<<KS: I can't see that a 'Datasource' structure is being returned. Has this changed? 'dataSource' seems to just have the description of the data source now - no 'type'>>



dobDate of birth for this individualString"25/05/1947"
entityTypeThe type of this entity. (Possible values are 'individual' and 'business')String"individual"

Whether or not details about this entity was retrieved were obtained from a data source (e.g. a lookup business register* (i.e. this will be 'true' if if the results from a lookup of a business on a business register ).(Note: the individual's details retrieved may have subsequently been edited by a user)included details of this individual. Example: The results of lookup of a company included details of an individual who is a director).

Boolean"true" or "false"
givenNameThe given name of this individualString"John"
idThe unique ID of this entityInteger789112
middleNamesMiddle name(s) for this individualString"Clive"
notesA list of notes associated with this entity

List of Notes

surnameThe surname of this individualString"Smith"
verificationA structure encoding verification details for the entityVerification-

Whether or not verification is required for this entity


If 'true', then this entity does not need to be verified within any relationship within the business structure in order for the overall business verification to be 'verified'.

Boolean"true" or "false"

Entity Object (Business)

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
addressA structure encoding the address of the entity Address-businessNumberThe business number for this entity. entity <<KS: Clarify this... if a business, does it only have country code? Doesn't always seem to have this though?>>Address-
businessNumberThe business number for this entity. This will be the business number for the business as registered on the stated 'dataSource'. Example: if the business was retrieved from the NZBN Register, then the business number will be the NZBN. String"111307361"
businessStatusThe status of the business as returned from a business register. (Possible values will differ dependent on the business register)String"Registered"
businessSubtypeThe business subtypeString"AU Limited Company"
businessTypeThe type of businessString"company"
countryOfRegistrationThe country where the business is registered, in the form of a two-letter country code. This will only be populated if the business is registered on the stated business register (see dataSource). String"AU"
dataSourceDetails of the data source (i.e. g. a company business register) from which this entity's details were retrieved.String"the New Zealand Business Number Register"
documentsA list of documents associated with this entitybusinessList of Documents-
entityTypeThe type of this entityString"business"
existenceVerifiedWhether or not the existence of this entity business has been verified or not. Existence is verified either by the business being found on a business register (see foundInRegister), or by the upload and verification of supporting documents.Boolean"true" or "false"

Whether or not this


business was found


on a

company register
Boolean"true" or "false"fromDataSource

business register 

(i.e. this will be 'true' if a lookup was performed against a business register using the business number, the business was successfully found and it's details retrieved)

Boolean"true" or "false"

Whether or not this entity came from a data source (e.g. a lookup of a company register).

Boolean"true" or "false"idThe ID of this entity

Whether or not details about this entity were obtained from a business register (i.e. this will be 'true' if:

  • this business was found via a lookup against a business register (in this case 'foundInRegister' will also be true) OR
  • the results from a lookup of a business on a business register included a reference to this business. Example: The results of lookup of a company included details of this business as a shareholder.
Boolean"true" or "false"
idThe unique ID of this entityInteger1096
nameThe name of this business (i.e. the legal entity name)String"Acme Pty Ltd"
notesA list of notes associated with this entityList of Notes-
verificationA structure encoding verification details for the entityVerification-
verificationNeverRequiredWhether or not verification is required for this entity

Whether or not verification is required for this entity

If 'true', then this entity does not need to be verified within any relationship within the business structure in order for the overall business verification to be 'verified'.

Boolean"true" or "false"

Address ObjectObject

<<KS: Are the fields the same for AU and NZ addresses? Need to specify which fields actually populate for businesses - seems to only be country code, and sometimes none>>

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
countryCodeThe address country code i.e. a two digit code.String"NZ"
countryNameThe human-readable version of the country name.String"New Zealand"
fullAddressThe full address in a single StringString"67 HAVEN ROAD, NELSON 7010, NEW ZEALAND"
postcodeThe address postcode (only available if address has been validated)String"7010"
streetNameThe address street name (only available if address has been validated)String"HAVEN"
streetNumberThe street number (only available if address has been validated)String"67"
streetTypeThe type of street (only available if address has been validated)String"ROAD"
townCityThe town or city of the address (only available if address has been validated)String"NELSON"

DataSource Object

<<KS: Don't think this exists anymore...>>

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
nameThe human-readable name of this data sourceString"the New Zealand Business Number Register"
typeThe type of the business returnedString"company (nzco)"


Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
creationTimeThe date and time when this document was created (uploaded). Format is UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)String"2018-08-15 06:18:19.929+0000"
documentURLA URL where this document can be downloaded fromString""
evidenceTypeThe type of evidence that this document isprovidesString"Statutory declaration"
fileSizeThe size of the document file, in bytes.Integer297054
nameThe original document filename String"file.pdf"
verificationThe verification associated with this documentVerification-


Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
authorThe author of a

If present, the context


in which the note

is associated with

was added e.g. when exempting an


entity from verification etc. 

<<KS: Do we know the possible values? If so, we should list these here>>

creationTimeA timestamp for when this note was created. Format is UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) String2018-08-08 00:00:09.217+0000
textThe note textString"A note"


Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
dateDueThe due date for this verificationString2018-08-08 00:00:09.217+0000
dateNominatedThe date that this verification was nominated (created)String2018-08-07 23:16:47.065+0000
greenIDVerificationIdIf present, gives the GreenID verification ID for this verificationOnly applicable if the verification is for an Individual, and the individual is being verified via greenID. This is the verification identifier within the greenID core system for the individual. StringpnP7urdr

The status of this verification

<<KS: Can we list all possible values?>>


