InfoThis documentation relates to Version 1, the current version of the greenID Business API. Version 1 became available to customers as of 23 Aug 2018 .
Authentication HTTP basic authentication is used for accessing the endpoint. The username is a customer account ID, and the password is a customer's GreenID web services password.
Field Name Description Type Example address A structure encoding the address of the entity Address - dataSource Details on the data source (e.g. a company register) used for getting information this entity. DataSource - dob Date of birth for this individual String "25/05/1947" entityType The type of this entity String "individual" fromDataSource Whether or not this entity came from a data source (e.g. a lookup of a company register). Boolean "true" or "false" givenName The given name of this individual String "John" id The ID of this entity Integer 789112 middleNames Middle name(s) for this individual String "Clive" notes A list of notes associated with this entity List of Notes
- surname The surname of this individual String "Smith" verification A structure encoding verification details for the entity Verification - verificationNeverRequired Whether or not verification is required for this entity Boolean "true" or "false"
Entity Object (Business) Field Name Description Type Example address A structure encoding the address of the entity Address - businessNumber The business number for this entity String "111307361" businessStatus The status of the business as returned from a business register String "Registered" businessType The type of business String "company" countryOfRegistration The country where the business is registered, in the form of a two-letter country code String "AU" dataSource Details on the data source (e.g. a company register) used for getting information this entity. DataSource - documents A list of documents associated with this entity List of Documents -
Address Object Field Name Description Type Example countryCode The address country code i.e. a two digit code. String "NZ" countryName The human-readable version of the country name. String "New Zealand" fullAddress The full address in a single String String "67 HAVEN ROAD, NELSON 7010, NEW ZEALAND" id The ID of this address structure Integer 789113 postcode The address postcode (only available if address has been validated) String "7010" streetName The address street name (only available if address has been validated) String "HAVEN" streetNumber The street number (only available if address has been validated) String "67" streetType The type of street (only available if address has been validated) String "ROAD" townCity The town or city of the address (only available if address has been validated) String "NELSON"
Field Name Description Type Example name The human-readable name of this data source String "the New Zealand Business Number Register" type The type of the business returned String "company (nzco)"
Document Object Field Name Description Type Example creationTime The time when this document was created (uploaded) String "2018-08-15 06:18:19.929+0000" documentURL A URL where this document can be downloaded String " " evidenceType The type of evidence that this document is String "Statutory declaration"
Note Object Field Name Description Type Example author The author of a note String context The context that the note is associated with e.g. exempting an item from verification etc. String exemptFromVerification creationTime A timestamp for when this note was created String 2018-08-08 00:00:09.217+0000 text The note text String "A note"