Versions Compared


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PositionData SourcePositionData Source
1stBlacklist (OPAC, DFAT)13thVictorian Electoral Roll
2ndBlacklist (OFAC)14thillion Credit Header (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
3rdBlacklist (PEP)16thgreenID fraud check (if configured)

Australian Electoral Roll  #

17thExperian Credit Header*
6thFCS Public Number Directory18thData Co-op Database (only returns a full match)
7thASIC Personal Name Search19thillion credit header - Australian banking & finance segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
8thAustralian Tenancy File20thillion credit header - Australian telecommunications segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
9thFNS NAD File21stillion credit header - Australian utilities segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
10thAustralian Claims Database22ndillion credit header - Australian public records segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
12thWestern Australian Electoral Roll25th Payroll Data

26th Superannuation Data

27thGBG Alert (see note below) 


Visa Entitlement Check (see note below)

# For this source 'TWO' not '2-' must be used for stubs v2 due to validation restrictions

* See below for Credit Header stubs options, including forcing partial matches.

** Please note that the stub codes are NOT case sensitive.

The letters are defined as follows:

  • "P" = Pass
  • "F" = Fail
  • "E" = Error
  • "TwoError" = Error (for all sources, i.e. the entire registration)
  • "TwoPass" = pass all sources
  • "TwoFail" = fail all sources
  • Any other character = Fail

Note that if a character is missing, then a fail will be given for that source. For example, if the middle name string contains only 12 "P"s, then the 13th and 14th sources will be automatically failed.

So, an example that would trigger a pass on the White Pages and Electoral Roll sources only, and a fail on all others, is as follows:

Code Block

The alternate prefix is used in the same way:

Code Block

Codes for background checks (New Zealand)

The order is defined as below:

PositionData SourcePositionData Source
1stBlacklist (OPAC, DFAT)10thExperian Credit header
2ndBlacklist (OFAC)11thCentrix Credit Header
3rdBlacklist (PEP)12thNZ PPSR
4thDIA Births13thNZ Tenancy (illion)
5thNZ Companies Office Directors and Shareholders Database14thillion credit header - NZ banking & finance segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
6thDIA Citizenship15thillion credit header - NZ telecommunications segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
7thillion Credit Header (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *16thillion credit header - NZ utilities segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
8thLINZ Property Ownership Database17thillion credit header - NZ public records segment (results in a full name + address + DOB match) *
9thTenancy Information NZ (TINZ)

* See below for other illion Credit Header stubs options, including forcing partial matches.

** Please note that the stub codes are NOT case sensitive.

The same letters apply to New Zealand stubs codes as to Australian stubs codes, however the prefix "2-" or "TWO" is not required.

So, an example that would trigger a pass on the illion credit header file only would be

Code Block

Codes for interactive checks (Australia)

Using the stubs testing approach means the background stubs mentioned in the section above must first be used, after which interactive verification can be attempted. Stubs for interactive checks are accessed via a nominated field per verification method, as defined below.

Whilst performing interactive verification, the tester must enter a code into the nominated field for that data source, which greenID will interpret and then send back a corresponding response. The field in which the stubs code must be entered varies from source to source.

The codes are detailed in the table below. These codes have been defined to take into consideration:

  • format and size of the fields
  • check digit restraints

The screens for interactive verification are pre-populated with the individual's details provided at registration; however, the fields should be modified by the tester to include the codes below at the time of interactive testing.

Note: interactive methods not mentioned here do not have stubs at this point in time.

Interactive sourceNominated field for code input'Verified' result 'Verified With Changes' result'Pending Review' resultError (source unavailable)'Not Contributing' result
Australian Electoral Roll
(AML version)
Street No.1234
Australian Passport - DVSPassport No.A1111111A2222222A3333333A4444444A6666666
Australian Visa - DVSPassport No.A1111111A2222222A3333333A4444444A6666666
Employment VisaPassport No.A1111111A2222222A3333333A4444444
MedicareMedicare No.2111111111
All driver's licencesLicence No.11111111
WA Electoral RollStreet No.1234
VIC Electoral RollYear of birth (any day and month are OK)1901190219031904
Medibank PrivateMembership number11111111222222223333333344444444
Birth Certificate - DVSRegistration No.11111111222222223333333344444444
Australian Citizenship Certificate - DVSStock No.11111111222222223333333344444444
Citizenship by descent (post-July 2005) - DVSClient Id.11111111111222222222223333333333344444444444

Citizenship by descent (pre-July 2005) - DVS

Register No.1111222233334444

Citizenship by descent (pre-July 2005) - DVS

Entry No.11111222223333344444
Marriage Certificate - DVSRegistration No.11111111222222223333333344444444
Change of Name Certificate - DVSRegistration No.11111111222222223333333344444444
Immi Card - DVSRegistration No.AAA111111AAA222222AAA333333AAA444444
Registration by Descent Certificate - DVSStock No.11111111222222223333333344444444
Centrelink card - DVSCRN





** Please note that the stub codes are NOT case sensitive.

Codes for interactive checks (New Zealand)

Using the stubs testing approach means the background stubs mentioned in the New Zealand background stubs must first be used, after which interactive verification can be attempted. Stubs for interactive checks are accessed via a nominated field per verification method, as defined below.

Whilst performing interactive verification, the tester must enter in a code into the nominated field for that data source (14th for illion, which greenID will interpret and then send back a corresponding response. The field in which the stubs code must be entered varies from source to source.

The codes are detailed in the table below. These codes have been defined to take into consideration:

  • format and size of the fields
  • check digit restraints

The screens for interactive verification are pre-populated with the individual's details provided at registration; however, the fields should be modified by the tester to include the codes below at the time of interactive testing.

Note: interactive methods not mentioned here do not have stubs at this point in time.

Interactive sourceNominated field for code input'Verified' result 'Verified With Changes' result'Pending Review' resultError (source unavailable)
NZ Transport Authority Driver's LicenceLicence No.11111111 or AA111111
33333333 or AA33333344444444 or AA444444
NZ PassportPassport No.A1111111A2222222A3333333A4444444
NZ Birth CertificateYear of birth1901190219031904
NZ CitizenshipYear of birth1901190219031904
Automobile Association MembershipMembership No.3083261111111111 (name + address + DoB match)
3083261111111112 (name + address match)
3083261111111113 (name + DoB match)
White PagesStreet No.1234

** Please note that the stub codes are NOT case sensitive.

Codes for the Credit Header checks

The illion and Experian Credit Header check behaves differently to other checks. Below is the required input to force the possible results.

Note: The illion Credit Header check does not allow any input via the greenID interactive screen. Therefore, the codes below must be used at the time of customer registration.

First you need to invoke the Credit Header check by placing a 'P' or 'F' in the relevant position in the middle name field (14th for illion credit header and 17th for Experian credit header), as described above for Australia or New Zealand.

  • Using a 'P' will force a full name + address + DOB 'Verified' result.
  • Using an 'F' will force a 'Fail' result.

See below on how to trigger a 'Partial Match' for illion or Experian credit header sources.
