Here is a table comparing the API responses.
Standard Watchlist - Results | Watchlist Dow Jones - no matches | Watchlist Dow Jones - match on PEP | Watchlist Dow Jones - match on Sanctions |
In the standard watchlist, individual results are presented for each of the 11 lists (PEP, DFAT, OFAC, etc) irrespective of state One of two results are presented returned for stateeach list:
| For the Dow Jones watchlist, if no matches are found, individual results with a state of NOT_FOUND_ON_LIST will be presented returned for each watchlist category as below:
| For the Dow Jones watchlist, if matches are found on the PEP watchlist or Extended PEP watchlist, a state :
| For the Dow Jones watchlist, if matches are found on a Sanction Sanctions List: Actual name of the list is displayed State is