- driversLicenceNumber
- driversLicenceState
- driversLicenceExpiryDate
- driversLicenceRTANumber
The first two fields, namely driversLicenceNumber and driversLicenceState are mandatory; if either or both are missing, then the check will not be performed. The driversLicenceExpiryDate field is optional for all states except Western Australian driver's licenses. The driversLicenceRTANumber field is mandatory for NSW drivers licence checks only.
The driversLicenceNumber field is used directly for the check, it is not modified in any way, so it must be provided exactly as it appears on the licence.
The driversLicenceState fields must be one of:
- SA
- WA
Any other values are ignored; if a valid state is not present, then a driver's licence check will not be performed.
The driversLicenceExpiryDate field is also used directly for the check, and is not modified in any way. It is expected that it will be a string of the form DD/MM/YYYY. If a valid date is not found, then none will be used, which may cause the check to fail.
The result of the background driver's licence check will be returned in the standard RichVerificationResult element returned by the web service call (either the regular greenID web services, or the greenID API).
- visaPassportNumber - the Passport number. This field is required. This field must have the value as shown on the passport.
- visaCountryOfIssue - the country that issued the Passport - the 3 letter country code of the country that issued the passport, except Germany, which is denoted by the single character "D". This field is required. The list of valid country codes is attached to the greenID API DVS Visa Data Source Reference; please look at the attachment in this section to find the list. This field must have the value as shown on the passport.